Definovať o genki desu ka


Rocket Languages - Love your language-learning journey. When you're in Japan it's really important to have some basic Japanese phrases up your sleeve, to help you out when you need it.

genki means good health, good energy or something like that. Desu: desu is like the verb "to be". English translation of Ogenki desu ka - Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ. We use cookies to help make LingQ better. By visiting the site, you agree to our cookie policy . O genki desu ka --literal translation "are you well or healthy?"--is not something you would ask a stranger. It is a very informal greeting that would be reserved for friends and family.

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/ Kanojo wa genki desu ka? How is that? Sore wa dou desu ka? How is the weather? Otenki wa dou desu ka?

O genki desu ka? Oh gen key dess kah) how are you? Genki desu. Arigatou gozaimasu. Anata wa? ( gen key dess. arry gah toe goz eye mass. Ah nah tah wah) good thank you

Definovať o genki desu ka

hai はい ee ええ aa ああ un うん Yes. genki O-genki desu ka. How are you?

Definovať o genki desu ka

Translate O genki desu ka. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.

Ima wa anata o genki desu ka? English. anata o genki desu ka? Last Update: 2019-09-24 Usage Frequency: O genki desu ka? How are you? Watashi wa genki desu, arigatou.

Definovať o genki desu ka

You never know when a little bit of Japanese will save the day! And in that case, they say it in past tense: お元気でしたか (o-genki deshita ka). “Are you…” in Japanese.

Definovať o genki desu ka

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Read more about Genki This second one, 'Zenryaku, o genki desu ka? Saihate no chi yori na mo naki kimi ni ai wo komete' also came with a CD. Saihate no chi yori na mo naki kimi ni ai wo komete' also came with a CD. Here you will find the lyrics of the song from that CD, some pictures and a few poems O genki desu ka? Oh gen key dess kah) how are you? Genki desu. Arigatou gozaimasu.

Definovať o genki desu ka

What did you say? なんていいましたか。 … Translation of "O genki desu ka" in English. Suggest an example. Other results. Die Light-Novel-Reihe Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? wird von Shin'ichi Kimura geschrieben und ist mit Illustrationen von den Künstlern Kobuichi und Muririn versehen.

“Genki desu ka(げんきですか)” is used at the very beginning of an interaction with someone.

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English translation of Ogenki desu ka - Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ. We use cookies to help make LingQ better. By visiting the site, you agree to our cookie policy .

Jun 22, 2008 Feb 06, 2019 (ogenki desu ka): In Japanese, it can be written as お元気ですか?The phrase "Ogenki desu ka? Learn how to say Ogenki desu ka? with Japanese accent.Ogenki desu ka? But normally, when someone (especially those who are senior) asks "o genki desu ka" お元気(げんき)ですか? Japanese would choose to answer with “おかけさまで、元気です” "o ka ge sa ma de, genki desu" to show their politeness. And "o ka ge sa ma de" means "thanks to you". Kore o eigo ni yakushite kudasai (これを英語に訳してください) How are you?: O genki desu ka (お元気ですか) I’m fine: Genki desu (元気です) Nice to meet you: Hajimemashite (はじめまして) My name is…: Watashi no namae wa … desu (わたしのなまえは…です) (O)genki desu ka – How are you? Genki desu – I am fine.